I can’t believe how close it is to Christmas. It is a bit hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it is 30 degrees outside... doesn’t seem right not to be freezing cold. Christmas is very much celebrated in the village though, and the children have been getting excited for months about the big day. Generally, as a Buddhist country, Cambodia doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but John and Kathy’s American roots mean that our children all get a visit from Santa on Christmas day. This means that Santa’s elves have been busy for weeks preparing stockings for EVERY child. That means individually labelling and packing about 270 stockings and making sure and double sure that there are none missing. The children all got three wishes for their stockings, so they all have one main present (generous donations have meant that the older children are getting MP3 and DVD players!) and an array of smaller presents. It has been a military operation, working in a house with the curtains drawn and windows locked to avoid peeping eyes. The other day I saw one of the boys peering through a crack in the curtains, eyes wide as saucers, but I managed to whip the curtain shut before his friends got a look. Popular presents this year are remote control cars and teddy bears- I am sure some of the teddies are bigger than the children! Two of the boys asked for roller skates so I can’t wait to see them trying them out. On Christmas day I shall be dusting off my old elf suit from 4 years ago and helping Santa to hand out the presents. John said it took over 2 hours to give everything out last year because everyone had to have their picture taken with Santa. I shall upload some pictures after the big day as I am sure I will be taking loads, but until then here are a couple of pictures of elf HQ.
This is one side of the room- all the stockings are colour coded according to which colour house the children live in- so here we have blue, white, orange, green and boy's yellow.......
.... and this is the other side of the room, where we have purple, girl's yellow and red. You can just see some of the cars poking out.